Saturday, September 10, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

Mother always said we would, "Laugh awhile, Cry awhile, and Cuss awhile".
Well she was right.  We did all 3 as we started the unbelievable task of
going through 65 years of a life together.
We only touched the surface, but we found some interesting
things.  Many letters from Mother to Daddy before they were married.
Every card any of us ever sent to them.  Lots and lots of twist ties (just can't
figure out why old people feel the need to keep those).
We found lots of great pictures and lots of items dating back to 
the late 1800's.
Every item was carefully examined and then past on to one of us or
past on to the trash.
It was sad to see everything in the house in chaos and to know
that would be our last night we would spend in that house.

A few of the fine items waiting on the trash truck!
Lots of items to look at.
Down time!
Ameila always brightens things up.
This vase of colored glass was always out on some shelf.  We all
played and touched it.

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