Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hurricane Irene Has Passed - Where Am I=?UTF-8?B?PyA=?=

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The House That Jack Built / Hurricane Tested

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Windy's Friend for the Week

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Looking Forward To Turkey Day

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Birthday Girl!

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Evelyn!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

2011-08-20 (by Eye-Fi)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Where Am I=?UTF-8?B?PyA=?=

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Where Am I=?UTF-8?B?PyA=?=

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Where am I?

All of this "Where AM I" started sometime over the summer.  Can't remember exactly when or where, but we have had so much fun sending phone photos of where everyone visits.  Now my phone does not show pictures real well(they are small and hard for me to tell where they are) so I send them to Mike who automatically thinks he needs to post them to the blog.  It has been fun hearing from everyone and seeing what they have been up to.    I never guess it right.

Where Am I=?UTF-8?B?PyA=?=

The ole home place in Kentucky.

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Where Are We=?UTF-8?B?PyA=?=

This is the look of a teacher after a rough day.

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Where Am I=?UTF-8?B?PyA=?=

This would be the "fun" round-about that Elyse and I used as a photo opt.  Denise went around and around waiting on US.  We were in Raleigh.

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Where Am I=?UTF-8?B?PyA=?=

Aren't they cute??  Even upside down.  When you people send us phone pictures you need to make sure they are right side up.  Carolyn, Tom, Elyse and Evelyn met at the Outback for dinner.  All of us down south were jealous.

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Where Am I=?UTF-8?B?PyA=?=

Forrest in her UT spirit. Starting her sophomore year.

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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Looking back on summer fun!

sweet cousins
Blackbeard hasn't been the same!
The "George" crab!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

New Beginnings!

Time for a new school year!

Time for a new camera! Yipee - thanks to Mike he surprised me with a new camera.  It does all kinds of fun things ~ like black and white~.  My little camera "died" when we were in Cincinatti and I really missed not having a little one.  So the pictures below are with my new camera.  Thanks to my Hubby for a wonderful surprise.
This year at school we are filling buckets!
Erin is ready for a new class!
Elyse is getting ready for a new beginning.  
Stump cannot be forgotten. 

This weekend Elyse invited all her "Aunts" to come help her in her new adventure.  So Carolyn and I went to Evelyn's.  Bob had made Elyse frames~so her and Carolyn covered them with fabric.  The school Elyse is in does their decorating differently than any other school I have ever seen.  They are going for the "homey" look.  So Elyse felt the need to comply to the situation  (at least for this year). So Bob thanks for the frames.  They looked great.
Finished frames!
Elyse's room.
Aunt Carolyn working very hard.
The finished frames in their new home.
Aunt Evelyn and Forrest working on the classroom.
Everyone has to take a break!
Doesn't she look official?
Forrest had the hardest job.  She put together a book shelf all by herself.  She only had a hammer and a 88 cent screwdriver.  She did an amazing job.
The finished product.
So lots of new things going on.  I do want to thank Carolyn, Evelyn, Forrest and Bob for helping with the classroom.  I think Elyse is good to go!