Sunday, September 27, 2009

Run Forrest Run

September 26, 2009
Forrest had a cross country meet in Bristol at
Steele's Creek Park.
We made it there just in time to see her
cross the finish line.
The rain came shortly there after.

The crew!

Carolyn's pedicure for the wedding.

Wet Day!

Forrest really wanted an apple pie,
but she got an apple.

Forrest getting ready to cross the finish line.


I had a wonderful birthday - thanks to my
friends and family.

A great Lunch from Apple Cake Tea Room.

Special Guests at school - Andi, Beckett and Will.

Special Friends.

Everyone loved holding Will.

Yep - my age is catching up to me --
I put pictures on twice.

My Birthday

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Mud, mud, mud - what a wonderful thing is MUD.
Mud, mud, mud - what a glorious thing is MUD.
September 19, 2009
Marine Mud Run

Forrest and her Mom heading to the mud.

The Mudpies!! From the Early Learning Center.

The Mudpies + Forrest!

The Lawson Family after the race.

The clean mudpies - before the race.

And they are off!

In the Lake!

At the finish line.

Trying to get clean!
Mike comes along for the free food.

Look at those feet! Yep - we threw away those shoes and socks.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Weekend Happenings

Another fun trip to Ohio!
Jo and I left on Thursday morning and came home on Sunday.
This was Heritage Days!
The weather was beautiful and we sold a few baskets!

Our favorite mime was there.
He always provides so much entertainment.

Jo was so lucky!
She won a door prize:
a beverage tote basket!

Race # 6 for Bob and Elyse
Well, of course I was gone and I left Mike in charge of picture
taking (mistake).
He was so proud - said he got some really good shots.
WELL...... he didn't know how to use Elyse's camera.
So when Elyse went to "view" the pictures --
there were none.
So I took a picture of her shirt and certificate/ribbon.
Bob also got a ribbon.

This race was in Loudon and it was in honor of Isabella McFalls.
It was to raise funds for education and awareness of Gaucher disease.

Elyse came in first for her age division and Bob came in 2nd for his.
I hate I missed that!!

Moral of the story: Any one you leave in charge to take pictures
for you --- make sure they know how to use the camera.