Tuesday, June 30, 2009

ImageChef Word Mosaic - ImageChef.com

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Race # 2 - Cove Lake State Park

Bob and Elyse ran in their 2nd race today. This one was 5K.
They did a great job!!

Way to go Bob and Elyse!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Baby Day!

What a fun day I had!! First, I went with Erin and Emory to sign Emory up for swimming lessons. That will be fun! Then we had lunch.

Emory stayed with me while Erin got a haircut. She is so much fun. She is pulling up and exploring everything she can reach. She had lots to explore here at our messy house.

Then Baby # 2 came for a visit. Will came and visited for his very first time. He is such a happy baby and seems to love all the attention he is getting. He is rolling over and makes all kinds of sounds. Helen loves to hold him and give him bunches of kisses.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Father's Day

On Sunday we celebrated Father's Day at Evelyn and Terry's new
house in Kingsport. Their new house is so nice and oh so very roomy!!

Joe making cookies!

Forrest came home with us for a couple of days.
She is really a dancer!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Welcome Home Will!

Welcome to the USA!!
Sean and Andi arrived safely to the USA carrying
a beautiful baby boy!!
Lots of people were at the airport to welcome them home.

Susi (Andi's sister) getting Helen ready for the homecoming!

Will and Grankaki (Andi's Mom)

After the homecoming Kaitlyn, Ashlyn, Janet and I
went to eat!

Kaitlyn and I discovered we BOTH
love raspberry tea!! YUM YUM....

Monday, June 15, 2009

First Race!

Elyse and Bob ran in their first race on Saturday.
It was a 4K and they crossed the finish line in
25:06 minutes!!
They were numbers 113 and 114 out of 365!!
Not too bad for their first race!

Mike enjoying some of the free Starbucks coffee.

Elyse and Bob before the race!

Ethiopia Here We come!!

Saturday, June 13th Sean and Andi left for Ethiopia.
They will be gone for 7 days and will return on
Saturday with Will.
I know they arrived safely and should by
now have met their new son.
We pray for safe travel.

Friday, June 12, 2009

He is Missed!!

Joseph Robert Kennedy
February 23, 1984 - May 15, 2009