Saturday, September 20, 2008

Long Week

What a week!!!! You just never know when Monday morning starts what all is ahead of you. This one has been one of those weeks.
Lots of my friends are dealing with personal issues and some are dealing with serious illnesses with their family members. It's hard to know what to say and sometimes hard to know what comfort you can offer.

The weekend is here. It's time to rest and regroup and look back on the week.
My friends that read my blog, just know you can call me. I will do anything you need me to do just ask me.

Ash and Kaitlyn visited me last night. What fun we had!!

I put the nursery rhyme picture on here to remind everyone to teach the small ones nursery rhymes. It's amazing how many of my kids at school do not know their nursery rhymes. We worked on them all week and they really enjoyed it.

The Princess is in the building!!!

Go Hokies Go!!!!!!

1 comment:

Forrest said...

i haven't heard those rhymes in so long.