Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Happy Birthday!!

My birthday started today with two special visitors and their Mom. Beckett , Helen and Andi met me at school with lots of goodies including a good morning Birthday Cake. Thanks!!! for starting my day off with a special visit.

I had lunch with Erin and Emory. Emory was such a great 2 week old baby. She never even opened her eyes.

At school today I received flowers from Mike and the girls.

We also had a great dinner at Olive Garden.

Joe and Joe decided to have a "Pasta" Face Off with the never ending pasta bowl. You can tell Joe K. was a little more serious than Joe S.
My pictures are a little out of order. This is my ice cream birthday cake.
And my roses!!!

Joe S. started taking it a little more serious. But He was not feeling at his best so he ended up letting Joe K win.

Joe K had so much fun eating and eating and eating!!! He even ate ice cream cake at home.
He's got long legs to fill up.

Not really sure how my pictures showed up twice. I am still learning this blog thing.
I had a great day THANKS to family and friends for all my great gifts and well wishes. September 24, 2008 was a great day!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Long Week

What a week!!!! You just never know when Monday morning starts what all is ahead of you. This one has been one of those weeks.
Lots of my friends are dealing with personal issues and some are dealing with serious illnesses with their family members. It's hard to know what to say and sometimes hard to know what comfort you can offer.

The weekend is here. It's time to rest and regroup and look back on the week.
My friends that read my blog, just know you can call me. I will do anything you need me to do just ask me.

Ash and Kaitlyn visited me last night. What fun we had!!

I put the nursery rhyme picture on here to remind everyone to teach the small ones nursery rhymes. It's amazing how many of my kids at school do not know their nursery rhymes. We worked on them all week and they really enjoyed it.

The Princess is in the building!!!

Go Hokies Go!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Emory Rae comes home!!

Mommy, Daddy and Emory are home and doing great.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Meet Emory Rae

Monday, September 8, 2008

Baby Johnson is here!!

It's a girl!!! Born today September 8, 2008.

She weighs 8 lbs. 11 oz. and she is 20 in. long.

Congratulations to Mom and Dad and I can't wait to see her.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Weekend Happenings

Windy is now an assistant soccer coach for Upward. Yeah, you're right- she has never played soccer in her life. But it takes more than that to make a great coach.
They tied their first game!!

My little teacher got to visit the library and read up on some good books. She discovered some great things on her library scavenger hunt.

Weekend guests feel right at home when they visit. A great place to come home to after a full week of classes at UT.