Wednesday, August 20, 2008

a little excitement

For the last few weeks we have all been trying to adjust to getting back to school and the routine that calls for. So needless to say it hasn't been very exciting around here.
Windy has started her new job, Joe, Elyse and Joe have all started back to UT and of course I have started back to school. I come home worn out and wondering how I can make it another day. How long till I can retire???

Well, when your spirits need lifting then all you need is young children. Beckett and Helen came for a visit. They provide so much entertainment and so much joy to a boring night.

In the pictures you can see Beckett enjoying the computer and he and Helen enjoying the Wii. Helen did take time out to call Elyse to see how she was doing.
I love keeping them. Thanks Beckett and Helen for a fun night!!

1 comment:

Beckett said...

Thanks for putting pictures of us on your blog! We had a fun time last night and I burned 50 million calories on the Wii! I didn't know I had 50 million calores! Ha! Ha!