Saturday, July 12, 2008

Snake Sighting

My greatest fear has come true.
Mike and I went out our front door, to go check on how all our flowers were doing.
I am always looking ahead to make sure I don't see a snake. Well, I walked over
to our bank and then I looked a little to my left - and there it was---- a very lonnnnnnggggg
black snake. I did not panic... I simply told Mike to get in the house as quickly as he
could and ask NO questions. OH MY . . . . . I nearly got sick.
I watched it for over an hour just to make sure it didn't get close to the house.
It came down the bank--slithered around the grass and then back up the bank.

My first phone call was to Debbie - she is the resident snake charmer of Loudon County.
She did rescue a tiny baby snake from my porch once, and it is now her pet.
Well, she informed me she doesn't do BIG snakes. What a friend she is - in my time of need.

I called Carolyn because I knew she could relate. She wasn't home.
I called Elyse and JOe because they were on their way to the house. I didn't want them to come
down the sidewalk.

I called Evelyn - she was no help - she just tried to act all brave and say "AH - it won't hurt you it's just a black snake" ---- she does not get it.

I called Windy, who was out eating with friends - and I scared her to death. She thought something serious had happened. Well - something serious had happened.

Then I called Mother and Daddy. Daddy laughed and laughed and proceeded to tell me how Mother almost picked one up in our house in KY. Me, Milburn and Evelyn jumped on the washer until Mamaw got there to kill it. Don't know what Mother did. Maybe that scared me for life. Daddy offered to give me a gun. I'll think I'll take it.

Well, when Elyse and Joe arrived - down the sidewalk they came. I nearly died (again).
Joe picked up a stick and threw it at the snake -- OH DEAR!! Had we had a hoe, he would have killed it. We will be buying one soon.

We did take (actually Joe did) one picture, but I will NOT post it, because I never want to see it again. It will be erased from my camera.

Now ....LIFE after snake sighting .... doubt if I will go back into the front yard again. Never will I go by myself. Mike cleaned away lots of weeds and more small trees from the bank today - so it will help me to spot better.

Snakes probably scare me more than anything. I don't know why. I just can't be near one or even look at one. So if you are thinking about playing a funny joke on me, with a snake - fake or not-
please don't. This is no laughing matter for me!!


Forrest said...

Snakes are good to have around. They will eat rodents, bugs, and other critters. Snakes are our friends.

Beck, Helen and Will's Mom said...

I wonder if your fear really did come from that incident when you had a snake in your home as a child? Something bad must have happened for you to be so scared of them! They are pretty creepy! (Even if they are our friends, Forrest!) Hope you don't see any more! Please don't let Beckett climb up the bank again! Ha! :)