Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Weekend of Travel

Well - NO pictures yet, but just you wait!!!
I am off for a weekend of excitement and fun.
My friend Jo and I are leaving to go to Fort Wayne to attend the Vera Bradley Outlet Sale. What fun!!! All my favorite things at a reduced price!
Windy and Joe are also going to be there. Joe is from Fort Wayne so they are spending the weekend with his family.
Carolyn and her friend Sandy and 2 daughters are coming up Thursday. so hopefully we will all be together for dinner on Thursday night. May have to eat at the $1 menu from Wendy's or McDonalds.

Then Friday morning Jo and I are heading to Dresden, Ohio!! Longaberger is having a Collectors club event on Sat. so we are going a day early to get in some shoppping. We are setting up a table at the event and we are hoping to sell some of our retired baskets. I'm hoping to break even on this trip. Then back home on Sunday.

Check back soon for pictures of this fun event.

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