Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Weekend of Travel

Well - NO pictures yet, but just you wait!!!
I am off for a weekend of excitement and fun.
My friend Jo and I are leaving to go to Fort Wayne to attend the Vera Bradley Outlet Sale. What fun!!! All my favorite things at a reduced price!
Windy and Joe are also going to be there. Joe is from Fort Wayne so they are spending the weekend with his family.
Carolyn and her friend Sandy and 2 daughters are coming up Thursday. so hopefully we will all be together for dinner on Thursday night. May have to eat at the $1 menu from Wendy's or McDonalds.

Then Friday morning Jo and I are heading to Dresden, Ohio!! Longaberger is having a Collectors club event on Sat. so we are going a day early to get in some shoppping. We are setting up a table at the event and we are hoping to sell some of our retired baskets. I'm hoping to break even on this trip. Then back home on Sunday.

Check back soon for pictures of this fun event.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Pictures from Bristol

Daddy wants a new one of the tool he is holding -- if anyone can find it. The old one came from Lowes.

A Day in Bristol

A fun visit with Mother and Daddy today.
We took Mother out for a ride and we ended up downtown. It was fun to look at the changes and to see some of the old things still there.

The dogwoods in Bristol were beautiful. Riding down Euclid Ave. sure brought back a lot of memories.

New Signs we saw in downtown.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Go Vols!!

Orange and White Game -- UT

It was a beautiful day to be outside. The Vols played each other. The band played - and got a real workout - it was a nice day.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Flowers - finally!!! It's so pretty to look out and see flowers.

We are working on our yard and trying to get some grass planted and ivy planted. Mike cut so many small trees down and now we almost have a yard. Now --- the question is will anything grow here. We shall see.
Hope you have had a wonderful week and have a nice weekend.

Windy is proud of the flowers too. She loves to photograph flowers.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Oh - what a beautiful day to be outside!! Perfect weather! Great company and wonderful
entertainment. Dolly arrives at Dollywood.

All my bagpipe friends got to entertain Dolly. They gave a small concert and then led the parade for Dolly. Rex, Sheila, Deborah, Kylie and Debbie in front.

Matthew and Sheila -- I am so sorry I don't know how to turn the picture around. It is a good picture though and would make a great Christmas card.

Debbie and Taylor and Trevor. The boys led the band by holding the banner. They did a great job.

Sheila in action!!! Debbie in action!! Deborah is watching them closely.

Rex and Matthew both did a great job.
The band is really good.

All smiles from the drum section!!!

Now your really talking fun.
The lastest in Dollywood Hat Fashion.

I believe the girl in the pink hat looks the best.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

She ONE up me!

Poor Erin --- she did not win at Borders ---- but she is Happy with her

Congratulations Erin!

We love watching you grow!!
Happy Little Baby Johnson!

Well - I just thought I was lucky!! Edie, who also entered the same drawing, won the exact same thing I did.

She will not let me be out done.

She also had to share she was the winner of free vegetables for a year from Food City. I personally think she made that up. And besides who wants vegetables???

She is going to grind my coffee beans for me so I appreciate that.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Joe's First Day in Court

Joe had his first day in court!! Our favorite law student said it went well! Notice the excellent tie--I wonder who helped him with it?

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Well -- do you ever win a door prize??? NOT ME!!!! But today I did. Borders has been having a special teacher discount weekend. Erin, Edie and I went on Thursday to buy books for our class. Of course, we filled out the door prize paper, just like you always do. Well, today I got a call saying I was a WINNER.

Just hard to contain all the excitement!!


Rain - Rain- rain-rain
I know we need it, but I am ready for a little sunshine!!
Getting up and going to school and it is raining, is very hard for me -- I need cheery sunshine to make me happy. OH well - Windy and I have planted some flower seeds and we hope to plant some grass seed - so we need the rain.

Everyone wish JOE (Elyse's Joe) good luck on Tuesday --- He makes a court appearance (not a real one ---- law school) and he will be wearing a new suit. Maybe I can get a picture.