Monday, March 31, 2008

For Joe

Joe says he is disappointed when he opens the blog and there is no news. Well, I don't think Joe realizes that my life is really not that exciting. Today was a dreary Monday - and that is a tough way to start the week.
My wish is for sunshine.
So Joe, this message is for you - I hope you have had a wonderful day and continue to have a great week. Thanks for coming to dinner, Sunday night, and thanks for suggesting the menu.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Weekend Fun

Rain- Rain- Rain-- sorta a yucky weather weekend.

Today, when the rain had stopped, Mike managed to cut down a few trees (very small ones) and we almost feel like we have a front yard. Maybe a little sunshine will reach us now.

Joe arrived in time to help carry away the brush.

Joe (Elyse's) requested a fried shrimp dinner. So we had a wonderful feast and now everyone is about to pop.
Our trees are in full bloom and are beautiful. When you look out the window it looks like snow.
I'm waiting on the liliacs.

Here's hoping everyone has a good week --hope for sunshine.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Thank You, Elyse

Thank You!! Thank You! Elyse --- She spent most of the morning trying to help me, and mostly doing it all herself, uploading these pictures takes some getting use to. Not sure
if I completely understand or not.

My Family

Tom, Eric, Carolyn, and Elliott
Forrest, Terry, and Evelyn

Mike, Joe, Elyse, Marilyn, Windy, and Joe

Landon, Jack, Jonathan, and Mary Ann

Tyler, Lindsey, Milburn, and Denise
Donald, Carol, and Robin

Daddy is 90!!

On Saturday we had Daddy a surprise birthday party. We actually think Mother told him a little about it, but it was a fun occasion. We had the party at Virginia Intermont College in Bristol.

All of the family was there except for a few.
Daddy had a fun time and everyone enjoyed the visit.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Elyse and Joe visited Las Vegas for Spring Break.
They had a great time.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spring Break Trip to Atlanta

What fun to travel with friends. They go where you want to go, they laugh at all jokes funny or not, they enjoy all the same things you do (or they pretend they do) and they provide advice even if you don't think you need it.

Three friends and I went to Atlanta on a spring break shopping trip. We had a great time! We shopped at all the fun stores, ate at all the great places and viewed all the beautiful flowers that are already in bloom in Atlanta.

Janet loves to shop and shop and never misses a bargain.
Debbie can cover an entire mall while everyone else is still in the first store.
Edie is quite picky with her shopping. Some stores she doesn't even go in for fear of
getting out of control.
Me, well I love to look. I look for the unusual things that you can't buy at home.

Janet and I had the most fun when we went into Bloomingdales. We found great bags for the girls. We laughed so hard when we were looking at the towels and the embroidery. We both worked for the company that did the embroidery. We had a great laugh.

It was a great 3 days with no responsiblities of home, family and work.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Lunch with the girls

Lunch is always fun at Apple Cake Tea Room.

The girls and I had a fun time. After lunch

we went to the Bath Junkie and made fun

bath crystals.

My New Adventure

Hello Friends and Family,
I am attempting a new adventure. I have several friends who have started blogs and it made me wish my children were small so I could record their life. So I started thinking ....scary thought.... I have wonderful children so I will just show how great they are on my own site.

I also decided it would be a great way to get BASKET NEWS out.

So remember I am playing around and I don't really know what I'm doing yet, but be patient and hopefully I'll have wonderful things to share.