Saturday, July 31, 2010

Happy Birthday!

July 30th, Windy turned 26! WOW!! She took the day off and went to lunch with Joe.
Then we went to Red Robin for dinner.


Opening Presents!

Windy wanted a chest from IKEA for her birthday!
So her Daddy put it together - without too much trouble.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Saturday Race

Sat. July 24 - Race in Loudon
I was unable to be there so my fill in photographer took my pictures.
That would be Mike.

NOt sure about this picture!

or this one!

Elyse, Bonnie, Kate and Bob getting ready for the race!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Welcome Kate and Bonnie!!

Bonnie and her daughter Kate are visiting Bob. They are from Iowa. So we met for
dinner at Calhouns. Thanks Bob for a nice evening. Bonnie and Kate have a safe
trip home.

BEE 2010

BEE 2010- Columbus, Ohio

Canister Sets in all colors! This picture is for Windy and Paige - my purple people!!

New basket and new fabric!

Shopping in the company store -- OH MY!!

I made this basket!

Our new fabric for pocketbooks!

Our BEE basket!

Jo and I in front of a Christmas display.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Christmas in July!!

It is always fun to see the new Christmas products at the BEE. They are really pretty.

Tree Trimming Basket

Christmas Basket! The snowflakes are stamped on the splints.

This is adorable! Santa's Belly!

Stocking Holder!

This bowl is so pretty.

Monday, July 19, 2010


I am in OHIO and having a wonderful time.

I love the BEE.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Crazy 8 Race - Kingsport

Well, after a day of celebrating a wedding -- it's race time. The race started at 10 p.m.
On the way (literally walking on the way) a big downpour came. And no one was prepared
so we all got wet. It finally stopped and the race started!

The running crew + Mike.
Greg, Forrest, Elyse , Bob and Terry

The cheering sqaud-- ME, Robin, Lindsey and Evelyn!

Here they come --- Bob, Terry and Elyse!

Medals of honor!