Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Welcome to UT!!!--- Forrest


Forrest did her 2-day orientation this week.
She learned all about the volunteer pride and what it
takes to become a TENNESSEE VOL!!

The all important student ID.
The all important UT water bottle.
The SAD Mommy she is leaving behind!
Her new home!

Her new bathroom - she loves to share!
The dorm room!

What Have I Gotten Myself Into?
"Come on Mama, Take ME home."

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Serious Sewing Goin On . . . .

Well, hopefully NO one will steal one of Forrest's towels. Don't think they will get very far if they do. She has 5 complete sets. Wonder if she will be able to keep those all four years of college?

Elyse made this baby quilt for her friend Jessica. Her baby's name is Jake.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Greg and Robin

Congratulations to Greg and Robin.
They were married June 4th.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Baby Bump Update

This is baby Amelia in March!

This is baby Amelia in June.
Amelia Jane is set to arrive in October!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Father's Day in Bristol

At the race in Walland

Monday, June 21, 2010

Race in Walland

Well - internet is just not wanting to work tonight. But here are 2 pictures from the weekend.
Elyse and Bob did a 10K in Walland. This is them coming up the last hill to the finish line.
This race was at 6:00 p.m., but it was still hot.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Relatives Came

When the relatives are coming requires alot of food.
Sometimes you have to get creative on getting it to the house.
Carolyn and Elyse eating some of the food that was carried in.

Mother thinks we keep our house too cool!

Well, Evelyn, Elyse and Forrest do too.

Windy getting Mamaw ready for her piano recital.

Elyse models one of her graduation outfits from her Aunt Carolyn.
She is going to be "stunning" when she teaches.

It is always nice to come bringing gifts for the hostess.
Carolyn is close to changing her name to LONGABERGER -
Her latest basket she made.

You can only eat at home so many times and then it is time hit the hot spots.
We met Nadine for lunch at O'Charleys.

The Amazing Bunch!! with Nadine.

Carolyn's great find - while we were shopping. She knew
Mike would so appreciate this.

Evelyn modeling the latest in "hat wear".

Forrest trying to be a model.

Well-- you can only shop so long before you have to take a little break.

These 2 have always been like this.

On to more shopping.
NO, Forrest - just because you are going to UT everything does NOT
have to be orange.
The sky is falling...the sky is falling.
Wonder what they are thinking??
Let's make sure we can squat in it before we buy it.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Meet the team

Meet the Tennessee Trekkers!!

Evelyn, Marilyn and Forrest


