Sunday, May 30, 2010

Forrest's Graduation

Friday night, May 28th, Forrest graduated from University School in Johnson City.
She was the salutatorian so she had to give a speech. It was amazing!!
Congratulations to her!!

This is her giving her speech!

Forrest with her Mom and Dad.
Forrest with her Uncle Milburn, Aunt Denise and cousins Tyler and Lindsey.
Forrest with us.
Beautiful yellow shoes!
Forrest and her Aunt Carolyn
Forrest with her cousins, Elyse, Tyler and Lindsey.
Forrest and her Uncle Tom.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Time to RUN!!!

After only a few hours sleep (after attending Forrest's graduation in Johnson City) Elyse and Bob hit the streets of Knoxville for a race. It was a 10K.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Yeah SUMMER!!!

I really love my time off!
I love to be outside --(until I see a snake)--
We have planted tomato plants this year in several
different places - hoping we might find the perfect spot.

Thanks to Carolyn and Tom we have many plants to plant.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Concert Weekend!

We had a blast at the James Taylor/Carole King concert!! We did a lot of laughing and a great time was had by all.

After the concert, Edie insisted we all go out. Boy were we out of place!

Before the concert, Edie, Janet and I went shopping. Who could believe that the mall could catch on fire. Well, I had to take pictures of the fire trucks to prove it.

Visiting Tiffanys

Tiffanys, after the alarmed sounded, with their steel doors close tightly.

Monday, May 24, 2010

James & Carole

Amazing Concert!
We were happy people.
I'll share all the stories on another post.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Graduation Fun