Saturday, February 27, 2010

Goat Man

There once was a man who traveled around East Tennessee with all his belongings.
Look at his wonderful herd of goats. Wonder if he needs 2 more??
Thanks Nancy.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mike Attacks The Goats!

OK -- we are patient people here! We have put up with the goats a lot.
They have eaten everything that even resembles the color green.
But today they started eating the ivy on the bank.
Well, Mike put a lot of money and time into that bank.
So when I told him they were going after the ivy on the bank
well - he decided he would take care of the goats once and for all.
So he grabs the broom and off he goes. He means business!!

He gets over to the goat, ready to take his first big swing, and lo and behold the
goat starts to eat the broom.

Now this picture is priceless. It needs NO words.

Guess who won??

Bob --- can we borrow that BB gun??

It came all the way up on the porch and would have even entered the house.
These are friendly goats.
I do want them to go away before Spring.
Anyone got a good remedy?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Bob!

Friday was Bob's birthday!!
So how about birthday dinner at the IHOP??
Who could ask for more : )
I actually had it planned to go to Big Ed's, but the line
was out the door. So Elyse decided on IHOP.
It was very good. We hope Bob enjoyed it!

Happy Birthday, BOB!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Emory Comes to Visit!

It's always fun when Emory comes!!
She is so much fun and oh so SWEET!!

What a sweet face!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day.

Happy Valentine's Day.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Strawberry Plains - First 10K

What a beautiful day to be outside-- cold but beautiful.
Elyse and Bob did their first 10K at Strawberry Plains.
They were a little worried about how they would do - but
they did GREAT!!
The wonderful SUN - in case you didn't get to see it today!

Checking out all their competition!!

Finishing with a great time!

One hour and 3 minutes!! Great time!

Way to go you two!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Do you think this means Forrest is going to UT??