Sunday, January 31, 2010

Time for Elyse to work!

Runners can only be still for so long -- so Elyse had to shovel to get out today. Her sister did help her.


Saturday, January 30, 2010

Windy works hard!

Oh what a snow.

Windy is determined to get out so Elyse and I head to the deck to watch her and of course take pictures.

No gloves, no hat, no scarf -- Windy uses the broom first and then the shovel. She actually did almost the entire driveway just so she could get out to go see Joe.

She calls in her Dad to help out the last little bit. Notice she has removed her coat. You can get really hot when you work.

Finally OUT she goes!!

A Snowy Saturday

well I have taken some great pictures but for some reason that upload so check back.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

another day off.

NO SCHOOL tomorrow!! How amazing is that? I love unexpected days off.

OH what shall I do ---

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Time to Update-but not much to say!

Well the gloom and doom of January - nothing much happening.
Got a new camera for Christmas and nothing to take pictures of -other than the "stupid goats".

It is finally the last week of January so I am hoping the new month will be a more uplifting time.

There has been some happenings in January though.
Forrest has had an exciting month. She has had two college interviews:
one for Dartmouth and one for Harvard. She applied to alot of schools - I think to just see if she could get in. She is very excited over the Harvard interview, and may visit Boston on her Spring Break. UT has already accepted her, and she does know the advantages of being close to her cousins and Aunt. So we will see what all happens there.

Elyse has started her final semester of undergraduate at UT. She will graduate in MAY!! She will be working at an elementary school 2 days a week, so I'm sure that is going to provide some interesting conversation. She and Bob have gone to Alabama this weekend to help Nannie. Papa (Nannie's husband )died this month. He was such a sweet kind man. He played a very important role in Joe's life. At Joe's funeral he spoke and it was clear that they had a special relaltionship.

Windy is still Windy. Going 110 mph - never stopping - always doing something. She is working on her masters so she has class 2 nights a week.

So as you can see - NO MUCH going on.
Just wanted my "few" friends and family, that still check my blog,to know that I haven't stopped blogging---its just that my life, in the month of January, is NOT very exciting.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Time to TACKLE the driveway!

Well, you can only stay in for so long before you get cabin fever.
and if you know Windy she has to be on the move.
Yesterday we were all 4 here all day. Elyse did go run -- crazy!!
So, Mike decided if we were going to get out Monday morning he better
start on the driveway today.
Hopefully some of us won't be going any where on MOnday, but just
in case he decided to tackle this driveway.
So, Mike this post is for you.
Thanks from your girls for getting the driveway in shape.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Quick Trip to Atlanta!

Windy, Elyse and I decided to take a quick trip to Atlanta to go to IKEA. Elyse is moving in a new apartment and wanted a few things. So off we went--- We had a great time! And IKEA is a great store. We're going back!!

We took in the Container Store - Windy had never been.

And we had to run by the mall - just for a little more shopping.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year - 2010

We finally got some snow!

Happy New Year to all.

We started our new year with a wonderful win for VA TECH. Go Hokies!!

First Race of 2010

First Race of the New Year!
Knoxville, TN

Bob finished before Elyse.

Bob and Elyse's friend!

EElyse's prize for being one of the first 100 to finish!