Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving Blessings!

Turkey Trot

Early Thanksgiving morning, Elyse ran in the Turkey Trot at Turkey Creek. She had to run by herself, because Bob was in Iowa. She did a great job. She was number 209 out of 650.
She sure did miss her running partner.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Special Guests!

Will and Helen came for a visit.
This is the first time I have kept Will.
What fun we had!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Race at UT for Children's Hospital!

Showing off their "hardware"
Elyse was first in her age group and Bob won 2nd.

Bob's sister Karen was visiting from Iowa.

In memory of Joe

On November 2, the law school at UT, planted and dedicated this tree in
Joe's memory.

Time for Christmas Pictures

I went with Erin to have Emory's Christmas picture made. They were running behind so Emory got to run the place. She looked beautiful while she did it.
Her pictures turned out good. It's hard to get an active 14 month to pose for a picture.

The goats have arrived for their fall eating.
They eat our monkey grass to the ground!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Pictures from the show