Saturday, August 30, 2008


It is so special to have good friends. We have so much fun being goofy when we go out. I always look forward to our next night out.

Little "Mom-to-Be" is still with us. We are hoping we can get in one more time before the
birth. We are so excited and can't wait to see BABY J.

Erin is so pretty pregnant. She will be such a good MOM to Baby J.

Here is the crew!! Fun time.....

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Sisters!!! We traveled to Kingsport today to celebrate Carolyn and Evelyn's birthday. They had a great time posing for pictures!

It just kept getting funnier and funnier!!! I think "OLD" age is setting in quickly.

Elyse and Forrest just had to pose for one too.

Elyse and Mamaw!!

Obviously I thought the picture was so good I put it on here twice.

It's just hard to believe that you are really getting older. It was
cracking them up --- hee hee.

We had a fun time and thanks to Andi for making the birthday cake. It was yummy and everyone loved it.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

a little excitement

For the last few weeks we have all been trying to adjust to getting back to school and the routine that calls for. So needless to say it hasn't been very exciting around here.
Windy has started her new job, Joe, Elyse and Joe have all started back to UT and of course I have started back to school. I come home worn out and wondering how I can make it another day. How long till I can retire???

Well, when your spirits need lifting then all you need is young children. Beckett and Helen came for a visit. They provide so much entertainment and so much joy to a boring night.

In the pictures you can see Beckett enjoying the computer and he and Helen enjoying the Wii. Helen did take time out to call Elyse to see how she was doing.
I love keeping them. Thanks Beckett and Helen for a fun night!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

For Evelyn

Evelyn--- this is for you!!
It's always fun to start a new school system.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Back to School

Well, it's time----- back to school we go!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Baby Johnson update!!




Baby Johnson is growing daily and will soon make his/her debut!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Fun times this summer