Saturday, December 27, 2008

Pictures from Bristol

Everyone got a pillow case with their name on it and then they got a new pillow.

Life is Good earrings and vase.

Above, Joe opening his "I Hate ORANGE shirt.

Joe (with his toboggan) on looks like a "homeless" person.


Before Christmas we all went to Bristol and made lots of cookies for the big day.
Lots of fun was had.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas Beckett and Helen

I decided to do something fun for Beckett and Helen's Christmas present this year.

So off to Build-A-Bear we went. They had NO idea where we were going. They made a lot of interesting guesses. We had a great time!

After choosing your animal you get to help in the stuffing process.

Placing the heart in the bear required a little exercise-place the heart on your forehead so it would be smart, place in on your arm so it would be strong, place it on your stomach so it would get hungry and give it a kiss so it would know love.

Bathtime - After the stuffing then it's time for a fluff. Beckett and Helen carefully fluffed their reindeers.

Time to pick out the clothes!! Helen chose a Christmas outfit to fit the season. Beckett chose a Titans outfit - also for the season.

Elyse helped Helen get her reindeer all dressed up.

Joe helped Beckett get his reindeer all ready to look like a Titan.

Merry Christmas Beckett and Helen. We hope you had a great time today. Love, The Gregorys

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Elyse!!

Happy Birthday!!! Elyse is 22. We had a great time going to the basketball game and out to eat.

Our Best Friends from College.

Our very BEST friends from college stopped by and spend the night on their way to Virginia. They now live in Florida and we have not seen them for 15 years.
What a special Christmas present to get to visit with them.
We share so many wonderful memories. It was like we only saw them yesterday. We still love the same things and it was interesting how Jackie and I are so much alike.
We made a promise it would not be 15 years before we saw them again. Thanks so much for stopping by.

Coach Joe and the Mighty 5 year olds.

The pictures are a little dark, but wanted everyone to see Coach Joe in action. The team did take a defeat (very slight) but it was a very exciting game. You can tell they have been coached by the best!!

OOOPS same picture.

Coach JOe in action!!

Babysitting Emory

What fun we had keeping Emory while her Mommy and Daddy shopped. She is laughing out loud and grinning from ear to ear. We changed her clothes several times - for reasons I won't go into - and we had so much fun with her. What a wonderful gift for Erin and Russ this Christmas.
Thanks for sharing her with us! We loved every minute of it.

This was such a special moment- she just laid her head down on Windy's shoulder and fell asleep. How sweet is that. Her little feet and her little hands are just amazing.

Can you tell I am crazy about babies? Merry Christmas Emory!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Other Weekend Happenings

Helen is a trooper. She shopped all day with us and was the perfect child. We dragged her everywhere.
We had fun.

Janet and Andi were happy shoppers too.

Joe and Joe on the tennis court!!